Monica entered UFC’s education program back in June 2014. Her counselor describes her as determined and adaptable.
Monica experienced placement and mental health challenges, impacting her academic performance. After applying for colleges her senior year, she was disappointed that she was not accepted into any of the universities she applied for. But, she was determined to continue her education through the community college transfer process. By fall 2019, Monica was enrolled at Rio Hondo Community College. There, she maintained a GPA of 3.0 and above, even through the pandemic. She partially credits the pandemic to her success because all distractions were removed and she was able to channel her free time into school.
Monica graduated from Rio Hondo Community College with an Associate of Arts Degree in English this past Spring. The transfer process was stressful for her but it never deterred her. Monica and her UFC Counselor spent long hours working together on all the transfer and financial aid applications, which paid off because she got into several Cal State Universities and finally decided on attending Cal State Dominguez Hills in the fall. Monica hopes to teach English at the high school level after graduating from CSDH.