Tuesday, August 13th, 2024 By UFC

Micah joined United Friends’ Scholars Program in middle school as a shy and reserved student. With support from United Friends, he blossomed into a confident young man. Despite not being initially admitted to his dream university, Cal State Northridge, Micah took a chance and appealed the decision. His determination paid off, and he thrived at …

Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 By UFC

A College with Care gift directly impacts youth like Ruben. In 2021, Ruben joined UFC’s Scholars program. Ruben faced academic challenges due to instability and lack of guidance, intensified by virtual learning. With help from his UFC counselor and grandma, Ruben was connected with an in-person tutor. Ruben now meets with his tutor twice weekly, …

Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 By UFC

On June 1st we held our annual graduation to celebrate over 40 of our education scholars and pathways residents for reaching an incredible milestone! We are so proud of each of them and their determination that has led to a high school diploma, college degree, or the completion of a trade-tech certification or program. We cannot …

Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 By UFC

A College with Care gift supports youth like Melissa. Coming from a low-income household, the prospect of college seemed unattainable. UFC helped her family navigate the complexities of financial aid and provided Melissa with a dorm kit to ensure she had essentials such as groceries, books, and supplies.

With support and guidance from UFC, Melissa negotiated …

Wednesday, April 17th, 2024 By UFC

Rosa joined UFC’s Scholars program in 2015. Initially hindered by a lack of support for her learning needs, UFC helped Rosa secure the necessary educational accommodations to get her through middle school and high school.

In 2021, Rosa was accepted to CSU Dominguez Hills and decided to proceed without accommodations to avoid stereotypes. Rosa lost …

Tuesday, September 12th, 2023 By UFC

In her senior year of high school, Tiona’s determination shines bright. Despite her family’s move mid-semester, disrupting her four-year connection with friends and dreams of joining the basketball team, Tiona remains undeterred. The hurdles she faces around transportation issues momentarily dimmed her “A/B” brilliance, but Tiona’s resolve never falters.

Collaborating with her counselor, she is crafting …

Monday, August 7th, 2023 By UFC

While in high school, Sherrie felt defeated because she saw many of her classmates transitioning into their dream universities. Not academically eligible for a university, she decided to take the transfer path. Demonstrating persistence at Los Angeles Southwest Community College, Sherrie became a competitive applicant for UCLA.

The transition to UCLA proved challenging as she had …

Saturday, July 1st, 2023 By UFC

(left to right) Mackenzie Orr – Community Manager, Olivia Dickerson – Advocacy Counselor, Ebony Harris, Jasmine Griffis – Director of Housing

Ebony is a go-getter. There is no other way to describe her. She knows what she wants to achieve and doesn’t let anything get in her way. Ebony entered Pathways in 2021. She was a …

Thursday, June 1st, 2023 By UFC

Joanna, a junior in high school, had been open about her struggles with anxiety and finding fulfilling hobbies. During our one-on-one sessions, she mentioned her interest in learning a new instrument and trying rock climbing. However, Joanna lacked the confidence to take that first step. In response, I began introducing self-care concepts as a way …

Monday, May 1st, 2023 By UFC

Andrew started college Fall 2021 at Cal State University Northridge. He was nervous about enrolling in in-person classes due to having experienced his last years of high school online. He decided to enroll in all online classes and give himself time to integrate into in-person classes. Soon after, he was disappointed that college was not …